Saturday, July 21, 2007

21st July 2007

lol!!!! its been more than 2 weeks i have not blogged my blog...
Eversince the HONG KONG trip come back,there is alot to write . I dunno where to start. Dun feel like writing it. BUT THEN AGAIN! this blog cannot be dead shall always be updated, CUZ I SAY SO !!! NO ME NO LIFE! HAHAHAHA! j/k j/k!

HONG KONG trip was fun. Seee handsome guys there too! hahah! had fun with my dancers and new frens there too...But sth seems to be missing hahaha! i dunno where.Interact with the hong kong ppl was kinda short. yeah....But overall, i had fun. BUT NOT ENOUGH OF SHOPPING! O M G LA! ITS HONG KONG'S SHOPPING SEASON !!!! sigh! nvr bring enough money along....

Hong kOng trip- came back, slack the whole sunday, dunno why but felt shagged.Skl starts , so is netball training. I dun see myself improve in anyway... Always get stepping stepping stepping. Hiaya!!!!! this is so down loading oh!

Eversince, i had many things in hand. I seems to leave out my classmates...Therefore, whenever i am in class, i felt left out too....sigh! but a fren of mine, PW, understands my situation. THANK Y OU! well, its partially my fault too...cannot blame anyone else but myself...SEE, i am this kinda person must keep things goin . Not having free time, if not i will feel empty de ahahaha!!...

This week had 2 pol-ite games. The first game was i shall say. ok, a little bit? Everyone's moral was damn low...But nvr the less, i am glad no one walked out of the game giving up. Its tough playin with the poly students, but at least an experience gained! hahahah!!!! After tht, had team talk, ppl blaming themselves, no no ok! its not your fault girls!!!! ONE FOR ALL! OALL FOR ONE!!!! HAO MA!!!!
sECOND GAME, moral was better , first quarter was good i shall say, but we got trashed! ahhah! nvm! its ok!.... tht both days havin mac for late dinner, i'm like getting fatter la!!! is it!!!? FATTER!???? NOT DARK ANYMORE TOOo!!! omg la!!!!! si liao!.....

Went to watch the girls, pol-ite game at RP. They won eh! NOT Bad, NOT BAD! jiayo!!!! Did not have dinner with them,went to play bball instead hahahaha!!!!
As i was in my bus, sth was amiss....I dunno wats it... But it felt empty thts alll! hhahah!!!!
Shall come back and edit the font color, goin for dance now hahah!

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