Saturday, July 21, 2007


Weee...Just came back from Dance lesson cum dance practice in skl....DAMN SHAGGED i tell you. I tried doin break dance, tried landing on the floor with my weight down. End up, my leg kenna balaku! hahah! right leg also damn suan....

Had been thinking about the dance steps , dance routine till my brain went exploding. Cuz my sis and her frens, we had been dancing for the past 6 hrs! Body breaking breaking down! hahaha!

Took bus back instead....No strength to walk. Lunch not taken yet. Everything! hhahah!

I'm so afraid i could not make it to poly next year eh! Alot of things to do. My IGV tHeory, MDP theory next wed...!!!! IGV has 2 labs to do next week.... M8 planning!!! alot alot to do.....Netball tournament....Comin up basketball trainin and match.....Arts challenge performance.....Alot Alot ah......

I scared i will just bong on the floor went blank!!!!

I'm so afraid to let my parents down....

I'm so afraid to let myself down....

I'm so afraid to let everyone down....

I'm like so afraid of damn many may things.....

I'm a freaking weirdo tht does not speak out to ppl.... and keep things to myself...thts why i look retard hahah! i guess so....OR MAYBE i cannot find anyone i've yet trust?

Tell my hearts out o my mum? Not all, and thts outta the qns, cuz we wld end up quarelling.....

Talk to my dad?!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!???
wE HARDLY TALK! AS IN 1 WEEK also nvr talk too okay!!!!!or worse!!!!

my second sis? ok ba....but she will also nag, and ended up quarelling with her too...

my younger sis? forget about tht tooo...she has baddy bad to her macham talking to the wall someones.....


I tot about it, alot of times....i could not communicate was it becuz of the way i think...? i still cun figure out eh!

tHEN AGain, i tot about the last time, the time i got Shi Lian....How does it feel????
Feels like, heart had been ripped out badly.....cun be healed.....a whole in the chest...feelin EMPTY.... Thts how it felt....

There were times, i tot 'hey! , falling in love is nice.... its sweet.... but then again! forget it...Cuz things wld end up the same...WHY BREAKUP!? cun communicate la, no time la, too good for him la, goin NS la, got third party la....quarrel too much la.....' all the XUET!

why is it always the same problem tht leads to a breakup...?
You mean facing qns like tht, cannot e solved? If wanna breakup, then why in the first place got together right....XUETE....

i just cun understand human beings neh....

can anyone ans my qns?




can all these qns be answered? Tough huh? When my sis asked me, " qi, whats life huh?"
i was like, erm , erm....i dunno how to explain eh....
see....sucky right....

How i wish i had a brother to stand by me....sit down and talk heart to heart....

Know what, i just love to listen to other ppl's probs and complains.....cuz it feels like, i do ever exist in their life, not wanting to keep things from me....and treats me like a real fren...unlike those who had fake plastic faces on them..... (not refering to anyone) But if any of you out there think you are the plastic face....BE YOURSELF MAN!!!!! BE YOURSELF.!!!! ITS SO spastic! PLASTIC i mean.....

Haiya, dun wanna talk too much....

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