Saturday, February 20, 2010


We tend to think of jealousy as a single emotion, but actually it is a whole bundle of feelings that tend to get lumped together. Jealousy can manifest as anger, fear, hurt, betrayal, anxiety, agitation, sadness, paranoia, depression, loneliness, envy, coveting, feeling powerless, feeling inadequate, feeling excluded. It often helps to identify what is the exact mix of feelings you experience when you feel jealous. What is the primary emotion you feel when you are jealous? Demystifying the exact components of your jealousy can be a giant step towards getting a grip on things and resolving the problem. Is it always the same for you or does the mix change from time to time depending on circumstances? For instance, one woman figured out that her jealousy was about 50% fear, 20% anger, 20% feeling powerless and 10% feeling betrayed. However, when she asked her partner for reassurance and affection, and he provided it, the anger and betrayal disappeared. Then her jealousy was much more manageable, because most of what was left was fear and she could express those feelings more easily to her partner and resolve them.

Hahahah! its wat i read about jealousy when i was bored...
it was the first time i could express in tht manner...
and that was a shocking state to myself too loL!....
Nevertheless, i had to overcome tht...
with so much it jealousy inside me is not gonna work...
cuz thats not what i am...
Thats why, i have to be able to understand....
and thts where trusts comes in...
cause i have nvr doubt him...=)

Still whoever is out there to get him..
i shall say his mine...
dun try taking him away from me eh..
cuz its not fair...
know where u stand....
dun go beyond limits...
well, as i myself have to too.. lOL!...

Lets talk about yesterday...
i just wanna thank people for coming down to see my show...
well not only mine but the group of us thts performing and i hope ur enjoyed the little things here and there hahah!

And come to think of the rides reminds me of syg and i playing at
escape theme park back that time....
where crisis for both of us was at stake... loL!...
nvrtheless, yesterday was the most craziest ride of all and i get to sit that with him was an honour....
"we fly,we fly high together. We go down,we go down together.We shout,we shout out i love you together"
and i'd love to have more adventures out with him... =)

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