Thursday, May 31, 2007
Blog blog blog!
Netball competition. My team got in 3rd. Its a sad thing for all of us. Something may have went wrg. I think i know but i'm not gonna say. But Team 1 got in Champion, and thts a good thing.Had dinner with some of them then went home.
Nth on... lesson as per normal. NO netball training. Weird la. Stayed in skl to study with Mong Baba, Kai, xuan, Edwin, Anthony. Waited for Jasmine's training to end. Her training ended late. But we still had our dinner in skl. Then the cafe was about to close. The bangalah worker came and said to Mong Baba, hello brother we are closing already. pLS LEAVE NOW pls. Lol!!! his accent so heavy tht, we followed his accent. very bad right we....heee...sorry! Went home, chat with him. Sth nearly happen man! i shall not elaborate. Jas and Joanne were on msn to calm me dwn? Wellm my classmate too. Pei wen thanks.
cAME TO SKL foR CCA medAL. Went for my phase test. Then i am free. Met up with Jasmine then played bball all the way to 7 like tht. In between came xuan, kai, Mong Baba, jeff and Poh wen.Terence came by, cuz he did not know tht bball training was cancelled. Then came Yvonne, a new fren i made. Well, actually seen her quite a no. of times, but talked to her the first time yester day ahah! Went to had dinner in skl. Po Wen let me hear this gabsby song. And i kinda like hooked to this song now...loOl! okay la, not quite but will hump abit here and there...loL! Took pics while waiting for the bus. Oh ya! Did pumping!! Not many but tiring! Know why!? cuz Jas taught me another pummping style for tri ceps so my shoudler and chest will not become built. She tot me the one tht dragon boats are doin. Cat stratch huh... ya...diff man! can do with leg open or close de hahah! My body is like a guys body le lah!!!! i'M SO so afraid!!!! Went home did a little more of triceps pumping.
Woke up damn early in a blury state, seeing the weather so shiok with big big sun! But i cun get up! Why!? it was because of the pumpings and cat stratch. Boths arms are aching, but not very bad la. Was not able to went for a swim cuz my mom want us to go temple with her. While was at the temple, it was freaking hot i tell you. I kept sweating maaannN!!!!
Came home, bathe again. Wait for JAS , xuan, kai they all to finish training. Watch dvd, sleep awhile on the sofa ahah! Then meet them at tampines. We watched SHREK 3! lAME yet funny. Storyline ok ba. Giggling non-stop la. Watch finish liao, Jas,Xuan and kai went to Suntec to meet ping and swan . They were there to look for jessica. Too bad i cun cum, if not i wld be so much fun taking pics! Took some pics at the mrt platform. HAHAHA! Jas, got her paddle, they amde me pose like a dragon boater. so paiseh la. I not dragon boat they ask me pose. I'm a POSER!! ARGH!!!!!!Came back home had dinner. Went out with my mum and sis. Bought myself 2 dry fit shirts haahh! My sis then told me tht she made spoil my DC bag. i was like, huh!!! then wad bag do i bring for the penang trip!!! loL! my mum was lookin at deuter bags at Sports link. She was surprised to see how ex and small it was compared to DC. loL! yeah! gonna buy a bagpack. lOl! spacious one. wHILE i was outside. My classmates, pei shan and vivian called and aske dabout me and him. I nearly tot he 2 timed me le. Cuz we both had lots of probs yet to solved cuz he does not wanna bring it up or talked about it. Shit him... Sigh! i am in a difficulty situation too.... i dunno how to say. But they said it was not him lor. ok then. Came back home. study my thoery. Damn stressed la can. STRESS SSTRESS STRESS....
doin pumping and crunches b4 i go to sleep TATA!
Tml will be another day of anyone out there who wana play bball, feel free to some down from 1 to 6 plus. wILL be at the CE bball court playin. SEe ya who ever wanna come! loL!
ApRiL oUt!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Met Hui PIng at Tanah Merah at 1.30 then meet Jas, EDwin, Ivan. Anthony came after tht. Hui Ping and i cun eat any fried food so ate Yoshinoya! Jas accompany us. Its like Girls one side of the food , guys at KFC hahah!
Went to catch a movie called BLADES OF GLORY! Its damn nice, funny and exciting! loL!!!.....Laugh none stop! Took loads of photos!!!!Kai and Xuan came, Anthony left. Took more pics again. Then ......... went to had dinner at this HONG KONG restaurant....AHAHAH!!! I WAS KINDA mocked for not knowing how to write chinese word...loL!!! shame of me! Then the HoNG KonG guy have to write for me lOL!!>!..The other thing was tht after ate finish, all of us were damn full, suddenly i yawned then tht same hong kong waiter looked and smiled at me! so paiseh siaL!!!!!....
Left and went to Outside Marina Square (de long staircase) took pics..loads of them ahahah!!!!Take till i have to go home....On the way home with HuiPing, feeling bored and tired...Whoooot!!!!....If ya wana see the photos, do go to Jasmine's blog to see practically all, cuz its taken from her cam. ahahah!! WE ARE CAM WHORES!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Ok la, have ta sleep early for tml's tournament!!!! Lets do our besta tml!
ApRiL oUt!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
No sentosa this week!!
25th May(Friday)
No lesson for me , cuz my other classmates are havin Phase test . HAHA! SO I Am able to sleep longer whooohooo! Woke up at 10 plus, gt myself ready and went to skl to meet Hui Ping at 11am sharp! ahah! sAW Jasmine and her classmates. Ate our lunch le, collect blazer then went to play bball with Jessica. It was kinda pathetic cuz only 3 of us were playin and played ABC somemore! GUESS WAHT! I WAS CONDEMED 7 TO 8 TIMES HUH! Poh Chuan came to playe with us awhile but left cuz Jasline's phone was lost. Jasmine, Xuan, Kai, Jesmond came and played bball with us. But after awhile we have ta leave for some flim talk talk. from 2 to 3 plus. While Hui Ping and Jessica were more retarded playing bball by themselves.But the good was tht they got to get suntanned/burned. I alittle only neh...sigh! aFTER THT came back to play awhile, Jessica and HUi Ping Said they say TWISTER. Jess was so afraid, she wanted to run away loL!...Went for my dance lesson till 6 plus Met up with them for dinner back at simei....All of them were lobsters...Half lobsters i mean...aaahahhhahah! Came back home, bathe, got changed. study chat on the phone till i fell asleep.
26th May (SatuRday. ToDayY!)
wOKE UP EArly. Seeing the weather damn good,Despite the clouds.Decided to go for swim, went for an hour got black a little hahah! Went for vocal lessons in skl till 1 plus. Came back had a little lunch. Woah! nearly hurt my ankle while show the dance steps to my sister just now. scary! BUt i think its alright la~ Then went to meet Hui Ping, jESSICA and her sister for bball at Simei indoor court, to prepare for the 3 on 3 basketball match i think. The court was like so diff to play la! Ball also cannot shot in hahah! I guess its the skills tht we had to blame not the court baa~ hahah! Had a match with 4 guys we dunno. They won us instead hahaha!!!! Realised tht we did not inform Jasmine about it hahah! But if so, she wld have to rush down. Nvm la!!! GIve her space to breathe at BeDOK Reserviour~ Came back home, bathe slack slack. Watch TV Lo!l!!! HAD dinner, my mum and sister went to EXpo for de food festival. While here i am blogging. Dun wanna get tempted by all the delicious food there!!!!
Tml will be goin out with Ping, Jess, Jas and dunno who watch movie. Tml we shall slack. No sentosa or any basketball. Cuz Monday is our competition.
K , so shall end my blogging session here. Waiting for the peeps to call for tml's slacking day event! hahah!
GO GO GIRLS! for the competition (sounds like go go power ranger hor?!) loL!
ApRiL oUt!
Be there for me, to cheer me on...No!? your always not there.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Stresss!!! Tired! Excited!!! Sadded!!! Emoted!!! loL!!! Emoted!?
did not went to skl today to atteND LESSONS. Went to ITE dover TO ATTEND the Presentation Workshop. Darn, i thought that it would be damn boring. But overall, alright i guess. I saw kUMar too! ( A FREN Of mine) ahah! cute sial!!! hee~Left early to go back to skl to meet Jasmine for some netball training. Hahah! Train like with only me and her! Saw Wei Xiong, he was not informed tht training was cancelled.He then joined us ltr, then Rachel(junior) so kuku la only 4 of us play ahah! There were guys basketball training too loL!!! whoo!! heee....
Then borrowed basketball ball from them, rosanne and his fren came to play with us. So it was like 3 girls against 2 guys. Sigh! they won. nvm. Slowly, around 7 like tht. Terence came to join us cuz he was having his basketball training. He said today's training is damn tiring compared to the 7 hrs basketball! hahah!!! Obviously, cuz its physical tht they were doin ahhma~
Jasmine and him paired up, while Wei Xiong and i 1 team.Very funny lah!, i kenna buang by the ball a no. of times cuz the sun has set. Well, its obvious tht Terence and Jas won, basketball player eh! BUt Jas also not bad! can shoot and fade away from me nia!! muahahah!!!!
Terence, Jasmine and i Played ABC ltr. It was the first time, i finished 1 round b4 Terence did and he kept saying i *taiko!!! niao! dun like tht leh, maybe i was lucky la hah!. Jasmine, got her knee injured then kept sayin its ok. Siao kneecap went numbed awhile leh!Dun make me worry sial....
Went for NMS lesson, then i am free all the way. Joanne accompanied me till training, so was Jasmine who met us up ltr. Around 1.30 went up to the auditorium with Chanel and Yong Quan rehersed for our performance on the Graduation Ceremony. Free till 4 plus. Got ourselves dressed and maked up. Nervous we were. Lol! But everything went very well heheeh! Just a little off key tht i heard with my own hears, muaha! wanted to chuckle but tahan. lol! Went for training. Coach was very tensed, so were we cuz it was our LAST training to the competition next MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! Coach scolded An Qi ,Dawn and the rest. Guys dun be upset if coach scolded us, its for our own good. Learn from mistake! and keep up the good work we had done. Fatyah, do hope her arm is gonna be better by MONDAY!
Girls, we had gone through lots of tough training. Lets showed out our best tht we've got and get champion. Dun Give Up man!!!!! We can strived all the way man!
Thanks Adda for coaching us more on physicals when coach was not around hahah!. Thanks coach for guiding us man! Love you all!!! muahahahah!!!!
BTW! guYS IF YOUr wanna contact me, its best to give me a call for the time being cuz, phone bill have yet paid lol!
ReAlLy HoPe YOu cOulD Be tHeRE To SeE ThE cOmPEtITiOn. BuT YoU WeRE bUSY.nEITher wanna spend a little Time to have Dinner wit me and Asked me to call other Ppl go out with me. Sadded!
ApRiL oUt!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I had a bad day!!!
Then its time for physical! Whoo! Miss Eunice made us ran 1 round go up the staircase till the 4th floor 2 times and ran 1 round again.Tiring! Played basketball with my classmates the guys loL!!! so funny la they all....Suaning me here and there, said i cannot catch the ball cuz my bust big ah heavy!!! Smuack them ah!!! Bathe, eat then went up for NMS. wAS EXHAUSTED ah today so while doin my practical work, i was actualy dozing off! hahah! coola huh! siao!
Lesson finish liao, time for DMT PHASE TEST! I FLUNK I TELL you!!! XUETE!!!! this cun be man!!!!
Went down to meet Hui pING and the est at cafe 1. Go up indoor sports hall to warm up ,ball handling so on and so forth. Coach came, made us play a few rounds of game. Then de AJ team came, whooo! tall and slim sial!!! Most important, they are fast muan!!!! Ltr part played as GD, i got agitated when there was 2 times i cannot smack the ball away from de tall GS!!! so fedup i stumped my feet....!!! ahahha! so fuanni!!!!
ohhh!! Miss Nyoe got herself injured and was sent to the hospital. Hope she is alright!!!!
Damn shagged now, played game whoooo fun!! hahaha!!!! got home with blisters and old wounds...ohk ohk..enough saying...Chao!
ApRiL oUt!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Monday Blues
Got up class, everyone seems to bochao me eh! very sad. I became very emo!
After tht lesson is DMT theory, Pei Shan was like crying la...i asked her wat happen she said nth...
After lesson, went down to CAfe 1 ta look for seats....Pei shan was busy talking on the phone. The moment she put her phone down, i asked her wat happen? She say i not happy with her and said the work"fuck" to her... i was like huh!!!! no la!! I'm not refering to you. but refering to him...then she cried! i was like, OH MY GODMA!!!! XUETE!! My frens all said i bully her. Tsk tsk!!! The thing was tht, the nick tht appeared on msn is not to anyone but only him. I said onLY HIM....because this was what the said to me....bad attitude i'm typin this to show his sentence oh~
pEI sHAN and the rest could not find space, so they decide to go simei to have lunch. But i dun like to go out of skl. so stayed in skl with jasmine and poh chuan. Lol! funny la!!! Jasmine kept makin so much noise tht she could not find her wallet.....Landy, CHRISTINE!, Edwin, Poh Chuan and me laughed like hell la! PLus, she will not accompany me to buy lunch till she found her wallet. Jas ah! why worry since you know its with one of us? hahah!
Sat , sat , sat .....Then came, Kai, Jesmong , Po Wen and Jeff. Sat for awhile then gone up to class....NMS theory! Me and Jarryl did not pay attention in class sial! busy talking face wrap photos and laughed silently! so XIN KU! eh!!!1! sigh!!!!!....Shall put up the photo another time.
Went for Graduation Ceremony rehersal with Chanel,. Jasmine was there to see us hahahaha!!!!!!
Then changed and rushed down for basketball training....Lol!!! today only 6 girls attended the training ahhaah!!!1 so Hui Qin leas the grp by doin warm ups. Shuttle, sprinting, ball shoots...and last game! HAHAHA!!! I FELT so paiseh when i could not score any with diff court works....sian.....but when i played game ahhaah!!! energetic i tell the rebound afew times haahahahah!
Nvm, shall train my shooting and court work skills with Marianni, then Gary shall be the coach for tml to guide us, then wun be so malu the next training la hahahaah!!!!!
Met up with Jasmine, Edwin, Anthony, Landy CHRISTINE! and their other frwen...Laughed and laughed!!! Anthony's hokkien is like stuttered and stuttered ahahah!!!! Then CHRISTINE called my name as APPLE!!! LOL!!!! SO i called her MIchelle like before where i got her name mistaken whoooseee!!!! My bad...ahahah!
Tml netball training! whoooo!!!!! tough training tml!! Cun Wait!
ApRiL oUt!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Pictures! pictures!!!!
3 days not blogging ahah!
Went for netball training as in. Training the Juniors and guys...Liang Teh said i shld thanked him for bringing to many guys to join ahah! hmm, shld i ? all of a sudden they came?! must have motive! ahha! Jasmine, Po Wen, Jesmond, Kai and Xuan came too.. But the brothers left ltr....
Jasmine ltr joined in with the juniors lol! Sigh! tht day's training was not good enough. Give them tougher training the next week!!! hahaha! si liao! Juniors left liao, Terence joined the guys for training then we(hui ping , an qi , me and another girl and jasmine divide into 2 grps ) played with the guys...ahhaha! so fuani la!!!
End of the game! Andrew wanted to shoot. He challenged me, if he shoot in, i will kenna pumping 5 or 10 times huh? Andrew got pumped like hell man!!!!Followed by Terence.OH MY GODMA! it was my turn kenna pumping, sigh! lol! he knows i cun shoot perfectly thts why lol!!!!....Took bus back with Terence, went home, shit, bathe, study , slack then sleep...
Went for Netball training, coach made me and Xiao Meng do defender loads of time...She was so pisssed while i have ta try my best ta move my butt and hand...nOt gonna be stiff muan!!!!played WD and GD... Its NOT GOOD enough for me, and i .Well not only me, but the whole netball team left only 2 more trainings till, the match begins!!! Whole day game!!! Scared yet excited! haha!
WEnt home, bAThe, study sleep late.....
wHOOOOH! Friday is like the best day of my life la!!!!!
Okay, first it was just normal lessons, DMT practical and theory. Then went to had lunch. hAHA!!!!The fun part starts here!!!!!Met up with Xuan, kai, Hui PIng , Jesmong, and Swan too!!!.We played basketball for the day!!!Weeee!!!!So much fun oH!...Then came Terence and Andrew. Andrew was so excited to beat me in ABC hahah!e made a rule tht whoever shoots in airball shall start again! AHAH! in the end, Andrew lost again.Heee haaha!!!He was so pissed oh...But hey, i shall say his shots are accurate. Its just his luck. Terence huh, tht guy not human( thts wht he says lol!) shooting even more accurate sial!!!! ahah! Then we played matches. I dunno how many matches we played. But i am sure tht we played around 6 to 7 hrs thts for sure! ahahah! Thts the best exercise and the longest i have played sial!!! whoooo!!!!! Made some stupid accidents, like catched the ball till i fell on my butt gliding! ahahah!!!! The worst tht kena from me was Swan. Heee, its either i stepped on her or got on top of her...ah!!!! Its accident wan ok! Was not on Purpose. SORRY SWAN! Hey! but i shall say, Swan played very well too man!!! Bow down ta ya. unlike me. NOOB! Played till, Kai and Xuan pestered us to go liao. Went to simei to had our dinner. Then went separate ways liao
Woke up early to go for singing lessons(Student Seminar) Was able to learn a whole song. Well nt bad though aahha! Then learnt dance steps tht i did not turned up on Friday. Heee....Sigh! Sun was so bright gooda man! but did not went swimming. Then meet up with my sisters and mum at Bugis. To shop for ,my dress but was unable to find 1 i like. After shopping quite awhile, i am able to buy a shirt only...Better than nth right!? hahah! Met up with Jasmine at Tampines and bought FBT pants hehehe! As we still have an hour, we went to Toy s Rus and took afew kuku pictures....Shall be shown here....
What a day. Jasmine they all went Sentosa, I bet! they will come back becomin lobsters again! hahaha!!!!! Went swimming around 3. Swan for only 1 hr .Then went ta my grandma house...Dead tired! There's basketball training tml. Dunno how will it be like. Accompanying Mariani to train. At the same time built up my stamina. Unsure if i wanna join basketball, becuz i am not familiarise with some of their stuffs(well, moves i mean...other than shooting...) Total noob man!!! hahah!! till then!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Bad day!
Went for NMS practical lesson. Done till where teacher said got a slight headache, so took a nap awhile.She(teacher) suddenly woke me up. Then lecture me , say i nvr do. then the thing tht i had done had way passed liao! Then i asked my fren, do till where liao, they said correct ah, till here then she stopped le .say tml then continue...wth la!!!!! idiot!!! buaytahan!!!!!
Went to DMT! HAD TO HAND UP dvd cover.My grp realised tht we had to do dvd cover toO!!!.And its like whole class knows except us, was like wth! why so selfish!!!!...Pam said, in future we know anything dun inform them liao...Sigh! alot of thing happen in between our classmates....
Gone for netball trainig usual, coach came back...Whooh! miss her scolding heeee...j/k la!
Went home, studying for my DMT test tml......Chat with my sec skl fren .He told me sth , very sth and was bad for me....i cun react at tht moment cuz i had no raction at tht time!!! wth!!!!!
Chat with Alex, and we both learnt this ( I wanna hold your hand!!!!!) hahahah!!!! damn funny nia....k la i shall stop here....Chao!
ApRiL oUt!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
KukU Day or what!?
HAD lessons from 8 to 4.30.
Lesson ends earlier at around 3.30pm.
Saw Jesmong, Xuan , Kai and Angela.Sat with them, talk shit and at the same time study for my class test 2 DMT!!!! Drat!, this time i cannot fail sial! if i fail hor! my DMT cannot make it liao!!!!!
Saw Anthony and Edwin. Said tht the skl gym is open till 6. So we went there. I ran 2.5 Km on the track, while Edwin and Anthony did some machine over there hahaha!!!!
Jamine came! and we headed to the stadium. Sigh! today ran very little. 6 rounds only. No oil to pump it up le hahaha!!!!Today did some stupid walk on the track! damn kuku ah! Did the Big walk walk! walk till my calves suan. Butt tight! sial!!!! ahhahah!!!!
sat down awhile, headed to Cafe 1 to have dinner... Funny, i did not finish my Ban Mian today other than cuz its noodles cannot eat too much in the night or else it will not digest well..... Took many many pictures hahahah!!!!
Went back home, bathe. Chat with Alex on msn. haha! his body not bad eh~ look like Lee Xiao Long....Stayed so far. Toa Payoh! Told him can take 31 straight bus, dunno he siad wat very long. He look dunno what bus to lavender take train to tanah merah then 31 to skl. hahaha! so funny.....Then continued studying....*tsk tsk.....
Tml shall be nt a tough day. Cuz lesson starts at 12.30 pm. Muahahahahah!!! yeah!!! can sleep later le!!! ahhah! Then comes training, Adeline says tht whoever dun comes to training shall be kicked off from the team...sian~ well, at least i come hahaha!!!!... Oh yah! have ta bring the Bibs tml, or An Qi will kill me! not only her, but the team hahah!!! So forgetful i am hahah!!
Now waiting for him to call me... i wonder hoe many days will he not bother calling me.
Had this taken on our last trip to Sentosa B4 they got sunburned!Kua kUa Kua!!!








Taken when the sun's setting!!! All sweating!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Yesterday, went swimming in the morning, came back, went to Tampines with my sis to look for a dress for de April Intake Graduation Day.Was not able to find one, so forget it. Another day then. Since it Mother's day the next day, we decided to buy a present for our mum. Caught Hold of the slivery white flower pendant, was very glam. We spent $36 bucks in total....nvm once in a year is ok.
Went to Pasir Ris to finish the video as a MOTHER! ARGH! YOU SHLD SEE HOW ugly i look. Do not have the pic for now. Shall post it , when i've gotten the picture hahaha!!!!
Was feeling bored becuz it was not my scene yet. Luckily, Nardiah brought Inuyasah cd along. Was so exciting, when it was about to end, they had to off it. Dunno for what reason. In between the video shoot, we celebrated Nardiah's bdae, she was astonished to see it ahhaha!!!
Took like the whole night fliming quite a no. of scenes and ws finally finished!
Called dear up, at last i have spoke to him how i felt. I think he was a little abit of surprised to see me react in tht manner. Says he will think of what i said then shall call me, while i think i'm havin the doubt tht he wld call me, cuz tht was wad he said 3 days ago and have yet given the ans. I really really hope, he understands how i feel. Right, i shall not elaborate or say any further....
Sunday( 13th May)
Mother's Day heh, cool...But i quarrelled with my mum over some household chores matter....Sayin tht she kept covering my younger sister by doin the chores for her or asked us to do it. Well, maybe tht word(cover) was not the right word but. Haiya, dunno how to say. Anyways, as things had calmed down, Charlie( my dog) came back from Hospital. He had *Cherry Eye on both eyes and sth growing on his right leg, so it needs to be extracted....Seeing him, looking better i felt relieved. Ppl from SPCA shall come by at times to check on him . Dunno which STUPID resident complained to SPCA tht we ill treated him. Pls na, we are not tht evil to ill treat an innocent and friendly dog. What thing had he done to us tht we have to ill treat him? His our dog since young anyway. Nth shall take him away from us, Die also have to die at our house.
Hooo Well, test comin up this week. Gotta study theory and theory and theory all the way.. and ya ha! sports on weekdays! Hmmm, Monday: running. Tuesday: Training. Wednesday: Netball training( with guys). Thursday : Training. Friday:Basketball hahaha!!!Most important eating habit too hahaha!!!!
After exam, we shall go Kayaking! , Kbox! many many more!!! erm, except Skating...hhhahahah!!!!
ApRiL oUt!
dun leave me out, i love you as always!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Wild Adventure!?








A walk to IMH! HAHAHA! Explorers!


ApRiL oUt!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Go for lessons in the morning then got myself and my student seminar teammates ready for the presentation . We were so anxious omg ahah!.... After that, met the netball players wait for time to pass and went for training. Before training starts , An Qi told me tht my team got in the top 4! OMG hahaha! i was so elated! She congrats me. But hey A n Qi, your team has done a good job, well at least your dun have to worry about presenting but enjoy in Hong Kong le hahahah!
It's surprisingly tht Adda did not made us run the track. BUT! alot of physical....erm, i think its okay though, tough la but at least there is fun snatchin balls haha!
We ltr changed venue to indoor sports hall because the lion dance ppl
were smacking there symbols and drums, damn noisey oh!!!!
Did passes, Hui Ping and i paired up. The hilarious and dumbiest thing was tht i fell the moment i started doin side steps...ahah! so embarrassed till i dun dare to stand up ahahaha!!!!!! it was so stupid. So on and so forth...muahahah! tml goin to meetr jasmine , yun ru, jessica, del and dunno who else... meeting them at hougang cuz b4 tht will be celebrating pam's bdae at suki sushi! hahaha! then go jasmine's hse followed by go woodbridge's basketball court and play bball hahahaha!!!! so on and so forth! muhahaha! am lookin forward to tht ...buahgahah!
Had dinner with Powen, Jesmong, Xuan and Kai at LJS. Came home my mum told me tht i have received a CCA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD.... ahhah! qi guai! i was not told tht i have this award eh....sad thing was it wasn't money hahahaha! its a medal...but medal also good la hor hahaha!.....
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Boring.....!!! But kinda fun today....
Yesterday was nth much, head for graudation rehersal. Then later go for netball training. Coach did not came so, Adda took over. We ran 4 rounds but must be in 9 mins time hahahah! then ltr did alot of food work... heh, kinda tiring loL!!!...but woke up. Woah! Bodyache nia!!!!! piao!!! at ok eh, at least there is the workout feeling, better than a wobbly wobbly body right ahhahaha!!! at least its a muscle somemore muahahha! cool man!!!!
Morning went for DMT CLASS test ahahah! jasmine and his friends gave us tips hahaha! thank man!!!! Had our Lunch, then meet jasmine and went for de sport carnival as helpers haha! The moment we reached stadium toilet, it was raining like typhoon!!!!!!! if you put popeye's gfm Oliver, she can fly off damn easily oh! hahahaha!!!! lao!!!!! we waited like 15 mins and its still raining like hell, then Joannne told us tht we can actully take lift to basement hahaha! so funny!!
took the life down settled to wait for the rain to did at first. I became the time keeper...loL!!! sat under the shelter also kenna the rain..damn cold oh!!!! buay tahan!
see ppl run and run and run till got kinda bored hahah! the BEST was the telematch with cca's against cca's hahaha!!!!! its the funniest when it comes to them spinning ten rounds by holding a bat hhahahah!!!!!!! after tht, they cannot focus and went out of lane! The most hilarious one was one who went out to the football field and fell haahhahaah!!!! damn it man!!!!! okokok dun laugh liao! ya....
then jasmine and I went for our student seminar persentation and meet uup again and went for netball junior training gagagaga!!!!! was kinda slack.....finish liao then when to have dinner with, JASMINE, DEL, HUI PING AND MISS NYOE AT BURGER KING. then meet up with YUNRU ltr and her other 2 frens jhon and dan...yeap....we were discussing where to go this comin friday..and they discussed till go to woodbridge to seehahahahahahahah!!!! we shall see what's gonna happen on tht day oh ahahahh! if i have the time i shall update the video tht has typhoon in ite collge east today ahhah!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Bloody shit day!
First started of with the 3D project..None like wanna do with me, i mean why shld i ask.if they wanna do with me they will say. So nvrmind, i'm a loner, i sat i side thinking of my storyboard. Then one of my classmates took my hp away, then they denied.Like wth la! i no mood to play such things oh! But they returned when they saw my face.
Second thing was, the basketball thingy. There is no training today, so me and a malay classmate of mine played bball with some guys i know. Then came the basketball girls team wan. I felt totally Demoralised when we played the game. They were like sooooo pro oh!!!!!!! i am not even half of them....
Then, meetup with Jasmine, Anthony, Edwin, Landy, Michelle they all.... Ran afew rounds, did afew crunches and pumping...Head to CAFE 1 to eat. Got to Know Michelle like today, then she and i were like laughing very loudly in the cafe, till jasmine and the rest changed table...sigh! hahah! but was hilarious aH.....
Third thing, here i am busy revising my DMT and NMS so wld not to be disturbed. And there my mother came in and asked about my HP and video stuff....**** oh i am , so pissed with her tht i gave her attitude....what to do la...she is always there hogging about my hp. Damn fedup with her.....How i wish i nvr faced shitty problems like tht !
Dunno what will happen tml, tml shall be a busy day...then ends off with netball training.
ApRiL oUt!
had a little outing with this superstar here today.
and for your info to all.
april will be performance on 22nd may for may intake graduation.
and now she is down with a soar thoat.
so please do not let her have any heaty food.
if in any case you see her eating it.
please do drink more water!
do tag more!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Kboxing!! Instead of Studying!? OH NO!!!!
Was supposed to go for group study with EDWIN, JASMINE AND ANTHONY at Changi Airport. But was like a friend of mine, ANDREW asked if wanna go kbox.hahahah! i was so tempted! loL! then when to kbox instead! kao! i am damn lazy oh! WTH!! cannot do this anymore if not my GPA will drop drastically man!!!!! After meeting Andrew and his frens with Jasmine m followed by Edwin and Anthony...OK la, we did not sing tht much like b4 , but i felt abit bad cuz Andrew and his frens did not sing tht much too. PAISEH!
Jamine, Edwin , Anthony and I left early and headed to YOSHINOYA to had our dinner. Eat already slacked there awhile. We were crapping, till i laughed absolutely loud till the whole YOSHINOYA can hear me eh! haha!...Walked awhile. Ohya!. Our last stop was at URBANMALE! went to seee the singlets.Guess WHAT! they had all sports name printed on it except for 1 ! NETBALLL!!!! ARGH! WHY THEY SO BOH SIM! ( NO HEART!) sigh! sadded!
K la, have to start study le....
Catch up for some sports outing in future other than kbox. Otherwise will grow fat de!!! ahahah!!!!
ApRiL OuT!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Boring day~
Went back home, my secondary skl mate ,Khoon Hoe, came over to my house to do some mike test....He told me alot about lasselle thingy requirements to go there....i listen le hor, i very scared eh!!!! hahahah!!!!! what theory must have max, grade8 a portforlio, basic stuff ...alot ah!!!! i hear liao i very scared...hmm, but nvr see him for so long le....he changed alot...but 1 thing he did not change is his height! heheheh!!! i'm so evil!!! ahahah! k la...tml then update somemore....loL!!!!!
Yesterday ran into 2 stupid shitty incident ahah!.... Was walking beside Vivian at tampines mall then all of a sudden , this 30 plus yr old shoot and then winked at god!!!!
The second incident was at Khatib taking train to Yishun. Then this nigre approached me and say my attire is cool...hahaha! an fbt shirt and shorts say i am! asked all stupid qns...and he looked very qi ko bei!!!! ahahahaha!!!! darn man!...
Friday, May 4, 2007
Chairman Edwin in the house.
Wow. This is like so cool. Finally a blog is up for our superstar; April.
April, if you see must cry, okies? All thanks to our chairman Jasmine for creating this blog up.
What's going to happen here is that, April will be doing her blogging on her everyday life, bitching or ranting all depands on her. We were also going to upload all the outing photos we had, the songs she recently sang. Haha. It's gonna be a TON of FUN.
Hmm....shall we present to you our committe members for this fan club?
Chairman: Jasmine & Edwin
Vice Chairman: Jessica Chan
Treasurer: Delvina
Secretary: Elaine
Publicity: Anthony
Members: Joanne & Ivan
As you can see, our club is very new...and we are trying to expand our fan club base. If you guys want to join, kindly let us know.