Sunday, September 16, 2007

List your Top 5 Birthday Presents Which You Wish For:
1.Passing my fyp

2. improve my basketball skills..

3. learn more sports!

4. family happy!

5. friends happy!

Answer the following questions:

1. The person who tagged you was?- Del

2. Your relationship with him/her is?-Part of Team
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? – laughter, laughter ,laughter, laughter and laughter

4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for you?-erm….i’m not sure yet. But I am sure its somewhere in my memory

5. Most memorable words she has said to you?-somewhere in ma memory

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?- nope, tht cun be happening

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be? –~kns~

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? – I don’t have enemy , neither did I have anyone I hate a lot

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?- I may be very defensive but I know my fen chun

10.The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be? –erm, I dunno….whatever we do. We share what we can share

11. Overall impression of him/her? – funny & her tight hugs!!! Argh! Lol!

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?-I’m not sure. They never tell me. Except tht my classmates says I am too soft hearted?

13. A character trait you love about yourself?- cheeky, blur and all sorts of nonsense

14. A character trait you hate about yourself?- too defensive. Bad attitude

15. Person you want to be? – someone tht I can present myself positively. To be there for whoever is in need of a listening ear no matter how busy I am.

16. Say something to the people who care for you!- Care me more! =)

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you.

2- Del

3- Jasmine
4- Swan
5- Jessica
6- Hui Ping
7- Yun Ru
8- Ivan
9- Weying
10- Adeline
; Who is #6 having a relationship with?-I dunno ;
Is #9 a male or female?-Female (My bestie fren! From primary till now… but she is busy =( );
#7 and #10 are together, will it be a good thing?-they know one another i think;
How about #8 and #5?- friends
; What is #2 studying about?- Private studies under photography, video etc….
; When was the last time you talked to #3?- on one of the Friday
; What kind of music does #8 like?- I dunno, songs tht touched his heart!? ;p:!
; Does #1 have any siblings?- yes.; Will you woo #3?- pahaha! She’s a girl
; How about #7?- She’s my Bi Kong
; Is #4 single?- Yes
; What's #5's surname?-JessicA CHANWan Teng
; How about #10's?-Adeline Li;

#4's hobby?- her love is Basketball. But I guess it might changed to Floorball ba!?;
Do #5 and #9 get along? – They duno one another
; Does #2 study ?- yes she does =)
; Have you tried developing feelings about #8?- no.
; Where does #9 live?-Tanah Merah.
; Are #5 and 1# best friends?- eh, they are friends
; Does #7 like #2?- yes. we are part of team madness; How did you get to know #2?- through Bridge leader
; Does #1 have any pets?- Yes. Like just recent!; Is #7 the sexiest person in the world? – Not as sexy as me pahahah! JOKING!!! BUT my bikong is cute loL! =)-

People, if you see your name in my quiz, you should know what to do

Friday went to Bugis and katong for the conformation of de place so we can start shooting on tues and thurs
Something cropped up in the end....therefore a few changes needs to be changed

Went to Mount Faber Safra for my attachment.
2 classes i am suppose to handle...
6 o'clock class is 8 students ( it think) alot man!!!! i see thill i blur eh!...
Hahah! they are quite cheeky also....and loves to bargain!!! OMG LA!

SEcond, last class is those under down syndrome kids... 3 kids today.... 2 kids are very into their own world...very diff to handle.. the other one , a girl... swims quite just tht she has diff in her hand...sigh! poor thing..

Went tv. study and went to sleep....*snore........ =)

Woke up late 15 mins to 7!
I was suppose to wake up at 6 to get ready and leave at 6.30 lei!
Have 4 classes to coach today!
First class was a 40 plus lady who does not know how to swim. she was quite shy though.
Second class... 2 siblings came.... 1 dare not go its head all the way in... lOL!!!!
Third class... 4 kids ( 3 boys 1 girl ) 2 siblings also.. the girl very sexy eh! wear bikini! woot! loL!
their parents were complaining not sure where they have learnt to and changed many many coaches liao. i am the fourth coach . well i shall try my best oh! loL!
fourth class... 2 sisters came. elder one is 9 yrs old. younger on eis 3 1/2 years old...
the elder sis ter damn arrogant la...says she can swim this can swim tht ....argh! makes me unable to teach her younger sister so i gave her back to the previous coach! loL!>..
then came an indian boy...his likes swimming cna says he can swim! loL! but his afraid of puttin his head in the water! loL!!!! till when he drank a mouthful of water , he cried and throw temper! loL!!!.... then Joel cam over to help me...loL!!!!
Bathe liao went to have lunch with Joel. Went back cuz HErman wanted to talk to me....
then came this big size coach!..dunno his name ah but he not bad eh...but belly from wat i see ahahh!
Then inside the office gt 3 men 1 girl. i was like listening to their conversation. Shine says he likes BAhbah girls...then tht big size guy says he likes skinny figure ma then hug liao not bad... lOL!!!...then shine was saying bahbah girls better! hug liao very comfy. gt extra hahaha!!!! i dunno if i wanna laugh or wat eh!!! then the guy says he bahbah already gt bahbah gf also no gd hahaha!!!!!wth la!!!
i guess i am not suppose to be in the conversation lo! tahah!

took train back home! damn tired! then rushed to have singing rehersals...havin performance on the 23rd september ans PASIR RIS RC LANTERN FESTIVAL! AHAHHA! SO HUANI LA!!! OKOK.....YA THEn went ta my grandma house and celebrate her birthday! May u win more more more money after comin back from Genting hor PoPo ! =)

Well...i shall just stop here...

time not confirm yet cuz i am havin camp last day.
Place. At vivo city? or at TM? or where?
please make yourself free....! =)

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